Can You Add Solar Panels to An Existing System?

If you already have a solar power system at home or at work, but you need more juice, you may be considering additional panels. However, it’s important to ask this question first - can you add solar panels to an existing system?

The good news is that the answer is usually yes, it is possible to add additional panels. But it may not always be worth it… and in some cases, it’s not possible. Read on to find out more about adding additional panels to your existing system.

Commercial solar panels and red sky.

Is it worth adding more panels to an existing system?

The answer to this question depends on your existing system, and a number of other factors. It’s essential to crunch the numbers, both in terms of power and cost. If it is financially viable and physically possible with your existing system, then it can be worth it.

Our clients, both residential and commercial, usually elect to add more panels when their energy consumption increase - this may be due to a number of different factors, such as:

  • A completed renovation

  • A larger family

  • More employees

  • Additional equipment

  • And much more.

If you’re trying to work out whether it’s worth it to add more panels to your system, get in touch with a solar expert. They’ll help you analyse the data and the figures, and advise whether it’s a good decision.

How do you work out how many panels to add?

You need to assess the current output of your system and measure that against the your power consumption. It’s important to cover the difference with the additional panels, so that you’re not paying for power from your utility provider. If your bill is increasing, particularly if that increase is rapid and significant, additional panels can help.

Off-grid systems are a little different, and there’s more at stake - if your system isn’t generating enough power, you can’t simply purchase more from the grid. Instead, you may not be able to run appliances or lighting! This is where additional panels are often most useful.

Each panel will generate a certain amount of kW. Therefore, you need to calculate how many kW of power you’re missing, and add enough panels to cover this output. Adding extra output is always a good idea, particularly when you can store that energy in a solar battery.

Man installing solar panels on the roof of a house.

What else needs to be considered when adding solar panels to an existing system?

There are a number of things to consider if you are planning on adding solar panels to your existing system.

Roof space

The first consideration is roof space. It’s not going to be physically possible to add panels to your existing system if you don’t have enough space on your roof. In some cases, you can install solar panels on your balcony - but if you already have an existing system on your roof, this probably won’t work.

It’s also worth keeping in mind that if you plan on installing panels on the other side of your roof, they may not be as effective. This is because panels that face north in Australia will be the most efficient, delivering up to 10-20% more energy than those facing east or west.

Age of existing panels

If your existing system is already quite old, it may not be worth adding new panels. Instead, an entirely new system might be the more financially sound option. This is where an expert opinion is essential. At Phaser Electrical, we offer assessments for existing solar systems, and we love helping our clients make the best decisions for their energy needs.

Solar inverter upgrades

Adding panels will increase the output of your system. This can then put too much strain on your existing solar inverter, which is the component that turns direct current (DC) electricity into alternating current (AC) electricity, which is used in your home or business. Therefore, adding panels may require a solar inverter upgrade.

This can add to the cost of your project, though it may not be as bad as you expect. It is often possible to sell your old inverter secondhand, and a solar panel installation and supply expert can ensure you get the best deal for your new inverter.

Solar battery

If your solar system increases in capacity and produces more power than you use, a solar battery is a must. This will allow you to store the excess power for later use, saving on bills and ensuring there is juice in the system on dark or cloudy days, when system output is low. While a solar battery is another investment, it’s an important one that will have an excellent ROI down the track.

Solar panels on the roof of a home.

Solar panel installation with Phaser Electrical

At Phaser Electrical, we’re solar panel supply and installation experts. Whether you’re setting up a new system, or want to know ‘can you add solar panels to an existing system’, we’re here to help.

Get in touch with us today for a free solar quote in Melbourne.


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